Of the seeds planted, only the parsley and onion have yet to come up. This weekend's project will be to see if I can transplant some of the extra pac choi into their own containers.
The chives have not made a great showing yet, considering how many seeds I sprinkled in there, but the basil is doing better than expected. (I always have trouble getting basil to sprout.)
Among my other weekend projects:
Repotting the "on sale because they are barely alive" miniature roses I got from K-Mart. Happily, after about a week in my "magic window" (my term for my kitchen garden window, since it seems to make anything grow, which is good compensation for my slightly less than green thumb), there are signs of life from all three plants, so it is time to get them into bigger pots!
I am still trying to figure out what to do with these two-year-old strawberry plants. They were also an almost-dead-so-they-are-cheap purchase, bought at the end of the season last year, and they've done really well in the window. (I have even been able to harvest a strawberry or two over the winter!) I am pretty sure they need to go into bigger pots or need to go outside, maybe under a cold frame. If weather permits this weekend, I'll explore the outdoor option. Otherwise, I may just have to repot them into a larger indoor container for the time being. I am hoping these three little plants will be the beginning of a strawberry bed, as all three are the "runner" variety. I also have a tiny little bed of alpine strawberries at the back of the house. Those spread by seed, so it has not grown as quickly as I would like, but the berries are so wonderful, I am willing to be patient with it!
The spearmint I salvaged from outside isn't doing much, so I need to take a good look at it and consider repotting it as well, if it needs more room. It bounced back from the dead, but considering that it is a mint, I expected it to have taken over my window by now. :)
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