Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 3, 2014

Well, it has been a busy month in the garden!

I planted these tomatoes inside in winter, and they spent too much time in the house, so they got spindly, but they are starting to become more robust now that they are out in the garden.  No idea what kind they are.  They sprouted up when I planted other plants, and I didn't have the heart to kill them.

This little plant is an heirloom cherry tomato.  It is the only one I've been able to find, as most cherry tomatoes are hybrids.  I had TWO, but one was eaten, so this little guy is now under a cage, to keep it safe until it is old enough to not be tasty anymore.
 Butternut squash

 Summer patty pan squash

 I've dedicated two beds to flowers.  This is a little chrysanthemum.  The twiggy things behind it are poinsettias that are just starting to come back from being abused between Christmas and now.
 Transplanted geranium (pre-grooming)
Hollyhocks growing from last year.  This plant somehow survived the snow this winter and is showing promise.  I don't know if the blooms will be the same as last year, so I am curiously waiting for them to show!
Spearmint growing wild by my in-ground bird bath.
Melons.  Don't remember if these are cantaloupe or watermelon, since I planted both and neglected to label them!
Baby kale plant
 Pepper plant.

Cucumber plants
 Japanese eggplant
One of my two flower gardens.  This one is cone flowers, lavender, and dianthus (carnations).  The cone flowers and lavender are for the bees.  The dianthus is a tribute to my father, who always had some growing near the house.  (I also have a seed packet of portulaca that I intend to plant, same reason, but haven't gotten to it yet.)
Potatoes.  Another surprise from last year.  This is in the bed that I had designated for compost.
Peppermint growing wild
This is a decoy plant I set up just outside the garden.  It is a great delicacy to the aphids, who are attacking it and leaving my veggie plants alone.

And the aphids, in their turn, are on the buffet menu for the beneficials.  (Same plant, just a little lower on the stem.)
Potted blackberry plant doing well.
I have harvested about a dozen strawberries so far, this year, from my potted strawberry plant.  I noticed that someone was stealing some, and I thought a bird was visiting, until I one day caught Polly very delicately pulling off a ripe berry and eating it.
What can I say?  The goofy dog likes strawberries.
Olla pot.  I am testing it out in the flower garden before I subject my veggies to it.  So far, I am pretty happy with it.  It is a porous clay pot that you bury underground and fill with water.  The water leaches out very slowly, feeding the roots of your plants.
Cinnamon basil
 Plain old basil.  :)
Chocolate mint

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